Julian Light Operatic Society

Light Opera in Ealing for the enjoyment of all.

JLOS Auditions

We hold open auditions for our main show of the year normally in April or May. Both company members and non-members are invited to try for principal parts by singing and acting pre-arranged pieces of the show to be performed. The selecting panel comprises the director, musical director and a member of the company. Our usual accompanist Jan Cunningham provides musical backing.

Auditions are publicised on social media at least one month before, and audition pieces are announced at least 2 weeks before.

Princess Ida 2016 Sacharissa in Ida 16 Hilarian in Ida 16

Joining the Group

Successful candidates who are not members of the group will be invited to join, and hopefully will stay for future productions. A show fee will be payable for those who do not join, but just come in for the show. Auditions are open to non-members of JLOS. There's no audition fee but you will have to fill in a form, please.

Come and Audition for Forthcoming Show - Ruddigore

If you would like to audition for our next show - Ruddigore, (see right) to take place 17th - 19th October 2024, the dialogue and vocal audition pieces can be found here. No times will be allocated, but it's usually first come, first served - just turn up. Please let us know your intentions by clicking here. Here is the libretto and Vocal Score.

Chorus in Ida 16

Ruddigore Auditions

Auditions for this show will take place on May 2nd at our normal rehearsal venue at 7.45pm.