Julian Light Operatic Society

Light Opera in Ealing for the enjoyment of all.

Next Show of JLOS

Iolanthe 23 flyer

This season, JLOS have prepared for you a 'Ruddigore' with a twist! Reality TV stars, would-be celebrities, journalists and media barons fill our stage competing for your attention, and for the ultimate prize: fame and fortune. Hearts are broken, couples come together and are torn apart, headlines are made, and a whole range of unsavoury behaviour takes place to ensure that the wheels of the paparazzi keep turning! Our production is fun and playful, and our characters are larger than life; but we also have a glance at the darker side of the celebrity world, and the price people pay to stay relevant. Rose is a beautiful young star, fresh from the latest reality TV franchise, who is in love with shy and reticent Robin who eschews the limelight, and harbours a terrible secret. Their world, like everyone else's, is overshadowed by the Ruddigore Press, whose chief editor must commit a crime everyday or die horribly, as the result of a centuries old curse. The current media baron, Sir Despard, is being driven mad by phone hacking, undercover stings, bribes and fake news. There seems to be no way out of this terrible cycle, and all our characters look doomed to unhappiness; can anyone find a solution that might lead to a sort-of happy ever after?

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Bunthorne 2017 The Lady Ella The Lady Ella rebuffs The Duke

Our last 4 Shows

Iolanthe 2023

Iolanthe 2023

Fairy Queen with Fairies

The Mikado 2022

Mikado 2022

Braid the Maiden Hair

The Yeomen of the Guard 2019

Yeomen 2019

Elsie Maynard and Sir Richard Cholmondeley

HMS Pinafore 2018

Pinafore 2018

Dick Deadeye